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3 Tips for Improving Your Health and Safety Policy

It is a legal requirement for any business or organization that employs five or more workers have a written health and safety policy. This policy should demonstrate the intent of health and safety procedure in your workplace and how these aims are to be achieved.In some industries, the importance of health and safety is more significant. This is especially the case when we’re talking about the construction sector, which is notable for its inherent dangers. Without an effective and written health and safety policy you are essentially exposing workers to a wide variety of dangers.

What makes a good health and safety policy?

The health and safety policy should be split into three distinct sections: a statement stating your aims in regards to health and safety and your commitment to health and safety in the workplace, an organisation section which identifies the responsibilities of certain members of your organisation and a section which covers“arrangements” i.e. how certain activities are managed within your organisation.

It ‘s important that your health and safety policy ticks all the boxes so that it’s within legal boundaries and workable for your employees. If you are having problems constructing your health and safety policy you can seek help from a health and safety consultancy. Health and safety consultants are able to advise you on various aspects of workplace health and safety and help you to construct a policy.

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