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Watercolour Techniques For Beginners

Understanding Watercolour

It is not an easy art to master watercolours easily, although it definitely is one of the more refined and intricate school of art to exist. The trick in this art is the transparency of the paint, wherein each and every stroke you make will be visible and could make or break the entire look and feel of the painting. The history or watercolour art is extremely rich and interested in terms of the tools, paints and watercolor techniques they used.

Watercolours are available in many forms, ranging from tubes, cakes and bottles. While tubes are the best quality of high end water compatible colours that are bright and can resist wear and tear for years; trays or cakes are affordable and the perfect match for a beginner. Learning the tips and tricks of watercolour is not difficult, but definitely requires patience and practice. A few techniques given below can get you started.

Watercolour Tricks and Techniques

A few basics of this artform are central to learning how to paint well, including selection of material and skills like blending or mixing. Some watercolour techniques are listed here in the order of ease and importance of learning:

Watercolour techniques may seem difficult to master, but with enough patience, regular practice and the correct approach, it is easy to become proficient at this artform.

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