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What Skills Can Be Gained with a Close Protection Course?

What is close protection? In casual parlance a close protection professional is a bodyguard, someone who protects a person from various threats, keeping a close proximity. The nature of the job means that they need to be highly trained. Training can be bolstered with a close protection course.

What do close protection courses teach professionals?

In order to perform the activities of a close protection officer you’ll require an SIA licence. SIA training will give you the skills that are necessary to operate as a close protection professional.

You will also learn a wide range of other skills that will make you better at your job, and a more employable prospect:

You will learn how to recognise threats.  You will get a good understanding of the law and legislation, which is especially important in a profession such as close protection, where health and safety and proper conduct are extremely important.

Close protection is not only about providing security but it’s also about working with people. Training will give you interpersonal skills that are necessary for you to work professionally and in proximity to other professionals and members of the public.

Your training can be further bolstered with first aid courses (you will require a first aid BTEC Level 2 first Person on the Scene (Intermediate award) to be a close protection professional.) This is often a part of close protection course package, as is unarmed combat training.

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