Renting An Abode Of Delight

London is a vibrant city which is continuously swayed by many visitors each year that came to pay a long or short visit to this awe inspiring city. As the number of people is increasing simultaneously the demand of various staying places is also on the shoot. With the passing…

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Do UK Food Marketers Aim at Children Online?

Are Nestle and Cadbury–among others–marketing unhealthy [sugary, for example] foods to children online? The British Heart Foundation and Children’s Food Campaign are complaining about this type of activity; the Advertising Standards Authority has strict guidelines for TV adverts targeting kids, but these don’t apply in the same way to Internet…

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Junk Food Companies Use Loopholes to Advertise to Children

The report, from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and the Children’s Food Campaign (CFC), calls for tighter regulation.The report said companies employ techniques which many children find difficult to identify as advertising.The report said: “Companies are exploiting gaps in the regulations to target children online with promotions for products that…

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