The Morale Boosting Impact of Safe Working Environments

Workers have the right to expect that their welfare is protected while they are performing their duties at work. Thankfully, safety levels have significantly improved over recent decades and this trend is continuing. These days, organisations are required to adhere to stringent safety laws. For example, they must comply with…

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Fires Highlight Importance of Electrical Safety

Electrical safety is an issue that firms must take seriously. Thankfully, it’s now straightforward for organisations to access electrical inspection services and by bringing experts in to get their appliances and fixed wiring checked, they can minimise the risk that problems will arise. Highlighting the dangers associated with electrical systems,…

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The Benefits of Using an IP Security Camera

When it comes to benefiting from advances in technology the security industry is not that different from other industries. In more recent years, nowhere has this been more evident than in the area of CCTV security systems. Traditionally, analogue CCTV systems have given sterling service in monitoring the comings and…

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Avoiding 360 Feedback Pitfalls

If you’re not familiar with the term, 360 degree feedback, also called multi source or multi-rater feedback, comes from a staff member’s peers and subordinates, while also including an element of self-evaluation. At the same time, those who are being assessed report back to their supervisors on how they feel…

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